
Area ISH 2025

Thank you for your interest and welcome to the download area for more information about Angst+Pfister solutions for the water, gas and process industry. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find the link below the downloads.


Innovative Material Solutions for Water, Gas and Process Industry 

In-Depth Technical Product Insights

O-Rings Technical Guide

Technical guide with specific technical information for construction and use

Download in English

Rotating Seals Catalogue

Catalogue with technical information and basic knowledge for construction and use 

Download in English

Angst+Pfister Antivibration Technical Guide

Technical fundamentals to guide manufacturers in finding the optimal solution to problems deriving from vibrations

Download in English

Drinking Water and Food Hoses Brochure

Overview brochure with application examples

Download in English, German, French or Italian

Angst+Pfister Company Profile

The new company profile with the motto “Let’s make it work” shows a comprehensive overview of our core capabilities, the main industries we serve with our expertise and solutions, our product and services portfolio and all about our global Group. 

Download in English

We make it work!

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