Published by Angst+Pfister on February 2021
Work together, grow together – Angst+Pfister commits to winning over customers on the basis of performance for every single project, while delivering market advantages for the customer. This makes for great partnerships. And is also the reason the Belgian company LAG Trailers switched step-by-step to seals made by Angst+Pfister. As market leader for silo semi-trailers in the Benelux countries, LAG today requires seals that are food approved, made with the best production method to guarantee top quality – and with optimised production and logistics so that the price is also a winner.
Years of innovation and growth mean that LAG Trailers is today a leading manufacturer of road transport vehicles – including the tipping silo semi-trailer. The most popular one is the undisputed market leader in the Benelux countries. LAG is not only at home in the Benelux countries but also has sales and service centres in Scandinavia, Great Britain, Germany and eastern Europe. The company is headquartered in Belgian Bree and employs around 430 skilled and experienced workers.
在不断变化的法规环境中,饮用水行业面临着新的挑战,德国即将于 2025 年 3 月 1 日开始实施的 "与饮用水接触的塑料和其他有机材料的评估依据"(KTW-BWGL)将具有法律约束力。为应对这些变化,Angst+Pfister 推出了创新型弹性体 HITEC® DW EPDM,旨在满足并超越未来的严格标准,同时提供卓越的机械性能。

在不断变化的法规环境中,饮用水行业面临着新的挑战,德国即将于 2025 年 3 月 1 日开始实施的 "与饮用水接触的塑料和其他有机材料的评估依据"(KTW-BWGL)将具有法律约束力。为应对这些变化,Angst+Pfister 推出了创新型弹性体 HITEC® DW EPDM,旨在满足并超越未来的严格标准,同时提供卓越的机械性能。
Growing together
“I visited the customer several times during the project and discussed numerous details with their engineers and buyers,” says Jan Boomsma. Open communication with the customer is absolutely crucial for projects like these – and for the engineers of Angst+Pfister the insights gained are always interesting. It is a matter of winning the trust of the customer.“ As the quality of these seals is exceptionally important for our silo semi-trailers, we approached this project with a great deal of care,” says Rudi Langens. Angst+Pfister responded in a very professional manner – right through from the sample tests to serial production.
LAG has been using the seals for over two years now. “The quality and availability is first class,” extols Rudi Langens. For this reason, LAG has switched step-by-step to Angst+Pfister for all similar components in order to ensure quality and quantity. “The professionalism and knowledge of the engineers convinced us to broaden our partnership.”