Published by Angst+Pfister on February 2022
A small pump making a lot of din. For the coffee machine manufacturer Franke, the engineering expertise and inventiveness of Angst+Pfister contributed to consumers’ enjoyment of not only coffee but special moments too. A space-saving rubber vibration damper with a snap-on connection absorbs the vibrations of lightweight components – making assembly easier and logistics simpler.
“During a visit to Franke, a prototype of the coffee machine A400 was opened to investigate its noises and vibrations,” says Jennifer Scherhag, Product Application Engineer at Angst+Pfister. Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG had fitted the latest generation of the A400 with a special fluid pump, which runs at a speed of 3000 min-1. This is the equivalent of 50 Hertz. The noises produced exceeded the desired noise level.
在不断变化的法规环境中,饮用水行业面临着新的挑战,德国即将于 2025 年 3 月 1 日开始实施的 "与饮用水接触的塑料和其他有机材料的评估依据"(KTW-BWGL)将具有法律约束力。为应对这些变化,Angst+Pfister 推出了创新型弹性体 HITEC® DW EPDM,旨在满足并超越未来的严格标准,同时提供卓越的机械性能。
在不断变化的法规环境中,饮用水行业面临着新的挑战,德国即将于 2025 年 3 月 1 日开始实施的 "与饮用水接触的塑料和其他有机材料的评估依据"(KTW-BWGL)将具有法律约束力。为应对这些变化,Angst+Pfister 推出了创新型弹性体 HITEC® DW EPDM,旨在满足并超越未来的严格标准,同时提供卓越的机械性能。

Recognizing the importance of addressing noise and vibration issues in their coffee machines, Franke sought the expertise of Angst+Pfister to find a solution that would enhance consumer enjoyment of their products. Through accurate analysis and collaboration, Angst+Pfister's engineers identified the need for new rubber vibration dampers to mitigate noise levels effectively.
Despite facing various challenges, such as spatial constraints and time pressure, both teams worked together diligently to develop a solution that exceeded expectations. The introduction of snap-on connections in the design of the vibration dampers not only addressed assembly concerns but also streamlined logistics, resulting in significant time and cost savings for Franke.