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Informacje kontaktowe
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Julia Dunkake
Menedżer ds. komunikacji marketingowej grupy
Nasze komunikaty prasowe
Wszystko z jednego źródła
Further Information on the Angst+Pfister Group
Company Profile
The Angst+Pfister Group, headquartered in Switzerland, has been a leading innovation development partner for technical components and engineering solutions for over a hundred years, primarily in the areas of elastomer and rubber-to-metal parts and compounds.
With local sales and technical organisations, the company serves over 20,000 customers in more than 50 countries every year.
Angst+Pfister operates research and development centres and production facilities worldwide which, together with a global network of highly qualified partners, enable us to serve our customers in the most efficient and innovative way.
Angst+Pfister stands for the highest level of responsibility - good corporate governance, fair competition, the well-being of our employees as well as social and environmental responsibility are our guiding principles in all areas of our business.
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