Benvenuti in un momento cruciale nel mondo dell'ingegneria e della tecnologia! Angst+Pfister vi invita a incontrare i nostri esperti in occasione di eventi e mostre in tutto il mondo.
Unitevi a noi per un incontro elettrizzante in cui sveleremo gli ultimi progressi delle nostre soluzioni ingegneristiche. Dai materiali rivoluzionari ai progetti ingegneristici rivoluzionari, potrete assistere in prima persona a come Angst+Pfister sta rimodellando le industrie e spingendo i confini del possibile.
Potrete confrontarvi con esperti del settore, fare rete con innovatori che la pensano allo stesso modo ed esplorare il futuro delle soluzioni tecnologiche. Che siate professionisti esperti o aspiranti tali, questo evento promette di ispirare, educare e accendere la vostra passione per l'innovazione.
Segnatevi il calendario e assicuratevi il vostro posto oggi stesso!
Eventi e fiere in programma nel 2025
Sfruttate la nostra esperienza nel vostro settore
Una panoramica completa delle fiere, delle esposizioni e degli eventi per relatori in tutto il mondo a cui Angst+Pfister parteciperà attivamente nei prossimi mesi per esporre una serie di soluzioni ingegneristiche in diversi settori industriali.
Inoltre, partecipiamo costantemente alle principali fiere del lavoro universitarie della Svizzera per entrare in contatto con potenziali futuri colleghi.
Calendario degli eventi

17 marzo - 21 marzo 2025 | Esposizione / Fiera | German a3f73ebd-a93b-4379-bee2-e1b3143cdc04 590e32d4-54ab-40fc-9b7a-50975b8bd519 eb5980c8-9b98-40d7-a8dc-52450c467516 marzo 2025
Frankfurt am Main
Angst+Pfister will attend ISH 2025, the leading fair for HVAC and water technology, in Frankfurt (March 17–21, Hall 9.0, Booth B76). Our focus includes high-performance materials and sealing solutions for regulated industries like drinking water, hydrogen, solar thermal energy, and gas.
We address key regulatory updates, including the KTW-BWGL (2025), PFAS restrictions (approx. 2028), and EU DWD revision (2020–2032). As experts in regulations and certifications, we ensure your products remain compliant and market-ready.
Additionally, we offer innovative sealing solutions for hydrogen, advanced antivibration technology, and PFAS-free fluid handling solutions like ASSIWELL® metal hoses.
You will find more information here.

2 aprile - 3 aprile 2025 | Evento con gli oratori | German 76bf4c91-6560-49bb-aab2-b4e62428795a 590e32d4-54ab-40fc-9b7a-50975b8bd519 13388389-dc64-434a-bb97-fce69d4fd402 aprile 2025
The congress "News in Hygienic Design" serves as a vital platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among stakeholders in the food industry, the mechanical engineering and components sectors, academia, and regulatory authorities. Organized by the German group of the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG), the event spans two days and features presentations, workshops, and discussions on current topics and challenges in hygienic design.
Hygienic design refers to the sanitary design of machines, systems, and components used in hygiene-critical production environments. It helps prevent microbial and particulate contamination of end products and ensures compliance with legal requirements for food safety.
Christian Geubert, Product Leader Sealing Materials, will give a presentation on the following topic
The regulation of PFAS (poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances) remains a prominent topic. As of November 20, 2024, the ECHA has recognized sealing technology as a key application, but significant uncertainty persists regarding potential bans and restrictions for affected polymeric materials like PTFE, FKM, FFKM, and FEP. Despite evidence supporting their safe use - such as secure manufacturing processes, positive lists, extraction tests, long-term experience, and disposal methods evaluated by the Karlsruhe KIT - excluding these polymers from regulations based on the OECD definition is desirable but still under debate in the EU.
The presentation in April 2025 will provide an update on the regulatory status, introduce fluorine-free alternatives, and explore the implications and limitations of a potential complete ban.
For more information please visit:
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